Truss - Usage - User Manual - Documents - Truss Physics
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Truss asset


Truss asset is similar to Unity’s Mesh asset - it has Nodes which are similar to mesh vertices and Faces similar to mesh triangles. In addition to Nodes and Faces Truss also has Links. Each link connects two nodes of the Truss. Each truss node has mass and position. Nodes define the mass distribution of a truss. Each link has length, stiffness and damping. Link works like a spring and defines how much force should be applied to keep initial distance between two nodes. Faces define the truss surface. They are used for collision detection, internal pressure computation and skinning.

To create a Truss asset use Edit>Truss Physics>Create Asset>Tx Truss menu command. To edit a Truss asset assign it to a soft body and then press Edit button next to the Truss property in the soft body inspector. This will open the Truss Designer.
