Soft Body - Usage - User Manual - Documents - Truss Physics
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Soft Body


Soft body component


Soft bodies are used to simulate dynamic deformable objects. To create a soft body select an object on the scene, use Edit>Truss Physics>Add Component>Tx Soft Body menu command, and then assign a Truss asset to the soft body Truss property.

Soft body inspector


TrussTruss asset
Mass ScaleTruss asset mass scale
Scaled MassSoft body mass (read only)
CollisionSoft body collision flag
MarginCollision margin
MattersArray of matters
Group RootGroup root flag
Group LayersGroup layers list
Group CollisionGroup collision matrix
Group LayerGroup layer
SkinningSoft body skinning flag
Spawn EnabledEnabled on spawning
Spawn ActiveActivate on spawning
DeactivationToggle object deactivation
Deactivation SpeedObject deactivation speed
Deactivation TimeObject deactivation time
FillingToggle object internal pressure
Internal PressureInternal pressure value
Adiabatic IndexInternal pressure adiabatic index