Scene Settings - Usage - User Manual - Documents - Truss Physics
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Scene Settings


Scene simulation paremeters


Scene settings allow you adjust and store the simulation parameters for each of your scenes. To open scene settings use Edit>Truss Physics>Edit Scene Settings menu command. Note: if you just imported Truss Physics package into your project for the first time you may need to restart Unity to make Edit>Truss Physics menu appear.

Scene settings inspector


Substep PowerSimulation substep power
Substep CountSimulation substep count (read only)
Substep SizeSimulation substep size (read only)
Solver IterationsNumber of iterations the solver takes to try to satisfy present constraints during the simulation state update
Global GravityGravity acceleration acting on all soft bodies on the scene
Global PressureAtmospheric pressure used to calculate the internal pressure force for soft bodies with internal pressure enabled
Worker ThreadsWorker thread count Truss Physics is allowed to create
Remove Scene SettingsThis command removes the settings from the scene