Rigid Body - Usage - User Manual - Documents - Truss Physics
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Rigid Body


Rigid body proxy component


Rigid body proxy is used to set up the interaction between Unity rigid bodies and Truss Physics soft bodies. To create a rigid body select an object on the scene with Rigidbody components added, use Edit>Truss Physics>Add Component>Tx Rigid Body menu command.

Rigid body inspector


Mass ScaleRigid body mass scale
Scaled MassRigid body mass (read only)
CollisionCollision shape type
MeshMesh asset
Box CenterBox collider center
Box SizeBox collider size
Capsule CenterCapsule collider center
Capsule HeightCapsule collider height
Capsule RadiusCapsule collider radius
Capsule AxisCapsule collider axis orientation
Sphere CenterSphere collider center
Sphere RadiusSphere collider radius
MarginCollision margin
MattersArray of matters
Spawn EnabledSpawn enabled flag
Group RootGroup root flag
Group LayersGroup layers list
Group CollisionGroup collision matrix
Group LayerGroup layer
InteractionRigid body interaction mode