Constraint - Usage - User Manual - Documents - Truss Physics
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Constraint component


Constraint is used to constrain the soft body motion relatively to another soft, rigid or static body or the world space. To add a constraint to a soft body select an object with the soft body component, use Edit>Truss Physics>Add Component>Tx Constraint menu command, add some snaps to the constraint to achieve the desired behavior.

Constraint inspector


Base BodyA body the soft body is attached to
Disable CollisionDisable collision between attached and base bodies
Snap ListList of snaps
NodesNode set to snap
NodeNode to snap
Snap ToSnap type
Nodes BBase soft body nodes
Min LimitMinimum distance
Max LimitMaximum distance
StrengthStrain limit this snap can withstand before breaking
MasterMaster snap
Enable MotorEnable angular motor
Axis NodesMotor axis
Target RateTarget rotation rate
Max TorqueTorque limit