Truss asset class
Asset type. Defines the physic model of a soft body.
nodePosition | Array of the positions of the nodes |
nodeMass | Array of the masses of the nodes |
nodesSet | Array of the named sets of the nodes |
linkNodes | Array of the nodes indices of the links |
linkLength | Array of the lengths of the links |
linkStiffness | Array of the stiffness coefficients of the links |
linkDamping | Array of the damping coefficients of the links |
linkElastic | Array of the maximum absolute elastic deformations of the links |
linkStretching | Array of the maximum relative plastic stretchings of the links |
linksSet | Array of the named sets of the the links |
faceNodes | Array of the nodes of the faces |
faceMatter | Array of the indices of the faces matter |
faceEnvelope | Array of the skinning envelopes of the faces |
nodeCount | Number of nodes |
linkCount | Number of links |
faceCount | Number of faces |
FindNodeSet | Searches for a node set by its name |
FindLinkSet | Searches for a link set by its name |
FindFaceSet | Searches for a face set by its name |