TxTruss - Scripting API - Documents - Truss Physics
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TxTruss class


Truss asset class


Asset type. Defines the physic model of a soft body.


nodePositionArray of the positions of the nodes
nodeMassArray of the masses of the nodes
nodesSetArray of the named sets of the nodes
linkNodesArray of the nodes indices of the links
linkLengthArray of the lengths of the links
linkStiffnessArray of the stiffness coefficients of the links
linkDampingArray of the damping coefficients of the links
linkElasticArray of the maximum absolute elastic deformations of the links
linkStretchingArray of the maximum relative plastic stretchings of the links
linksSetArray of the named sets of the the links
faceNodesArray of the nodes of the faces
faceMatterArray of the indices of the faces matter
faceEnvelopeArray of the skinning envelopes of the faces
nodeCountNumber of nodes
linkCountNumber of links
faceCountNumber of faces


FindNodeSetSearches for a node set by its name
FindLinkSetSearches for a link set by its name
FindFaceSetSearches for a face set by its name
